• Nature’s Answer Cayenne Pepper LA

    Cayenne Fruit (Capsicum annuum) is the fruit of the chili plant. Chili grows in many areas of the world, but is thought to have originated in South and Central America. The Capitol city of French Guiana is named Cayenne, and the fruit is named after this city. It has been used by humans for centuries, and seeds have been found in ancient fossil human feces and strewn on cave floors from as early as 7000 BC. The long lived people known as the Hunzas in Asia, use Cayenne as a major food source, and a smaller species has also been found in the Hawaiian Islands since 1897.

    Cayenne Fruit has been used for its spicy taste, and is considered a health supporting herb throughout the many civilizations where it is recognized. It is a common spice used in cooking and may be added to almost any meal to ?spice it up?.

    One traditional use that is considered ?cleansing?* and may help to promote digestive health* , is to a prepare Master Cleanse Tea. You can make this at home by squeezing half a lemon into a quart of filtered water. Then squeeze a dropperful of liquid cayenne extract into the water, along with a tablespoon of Dark Grade B Maple Syrup. Sip throughout the day for 7 to 10 days.

    Caynenne contains many naturally occurring vitamins such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin E and flavonoids, as well as minerals such as potassium and manganese.

    Cayenne Fruit is considered a ?hot? herb. The amount of heat is actually measured by a special method called the Scoville scale. This is a measurement of the spicy heat pungency which relates to the active constituents, capsaicinoids, including capsaicin, found in the Chili Pepper cayenne fruit.

    Nature?s Answer Cayenne Fruit liquid extract features the finest full spectrum cayenne and is guaranteed to offer 6500 SKU per 1 ml serving!

    All plants have unique chemical characteristics, markers, and natural patterns that can be used to identify them (just like human fingerprints). Our in house laboratory has accumulated and preserved over 800 plant specimens, creating one of the most comprehensive collections of genetically verified plant specimens found anywhere in the world. Our state of the art laboratory equipment has identified each and every plant?s distinctive botanical fingerprint, which we then use as our baseline to analyze the quality and purity of every incoming botanical used to manufacture our products. This unique process is our Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology?, and we take great pride in knowing that it allows us to completely assure you that your products contain only the highest quality botanical ingredients.

    Using carefully controlled extraction techniques, we capture the holistic balance? of each herb and the value is passed on to you, our customer. From plant to shelf?, you can be assured that we know exactly what?s in the product in your hand, and we guarantee it is authentic, safe, effective, holistically balanced?, and of course?.Nature?s Answer?.

  • Nature’s Answer Bladderwrack Herb LA

    Bladderwrack (formal name Fucus Vesiculosis) is a brown seaweed which is a good source of iodine (the mineral needed for proper thyroid function) and of various L-fucose compounds.

    Benefits can be seen from ingesting brown seaweeds as food, or by consuming the L-fucose compounds or the seaweed itself in supplemental form.

    Nature?s Answer Bladderwrack is made from 1000 mg of bladderwrack. We carefully capture the most important parts of the plant to naturally help support a heathy thyroid.* Keeping it low in alcohol and gluten-free. And because it?s a highly concentrated liquid extract, it?s quickly absorbed by the body, and starts working faster.

    Bladderwrack has been an herbal remedy and a culinary element in various cultures for centuries. In fact, bladderwrack was the original source of iodine, which was hugely important in treating various conditions, and is also an important part of a nutritional diet. Bladderwrack is most commonly used as an herbal supplement or powder, which can be consumed directly or mixed into water or facial scrubs to improve its efficacy. While this has been used in alternative treatments for hundreds of years, it is only becoming well-known to the general public recently, so the demand for this herb is definitely rising. The high levels of mucilage, beta-carotene, iodine, potassium, zeaxanthin, and other organic compounds give this herb so much power!

  • Nature’s Answer Valerian Root AF

    Valerian grows all over Europe as well as in areas as diverse as the Andes and South Africa. In the US, valerian grows along the roadsides throughout New England. It is a tall gangly plant with white or pink flat top flower clusters. The knobby, entangled root is the part of the plant that is used as a remedy.* Few herbs have such a well established history of use in cultures throughout the world as valerian. In India, China, Europe and North America, native people have used it as tea for relaxation for many centuries. The name valerian is derived from the Latin root word meaning to be ?in health?. The root has a strong, distinctive aromatic odor. Some people find it attractive and others offensive. The Greek physician Dioscorides wrote in the first century about this root, referring to it as Phu, which has the same root word as our expression, ?pew!? Cats are extremely attracted to this plant, even more so than catnip. William Cullen, a famous 18th Century English physician, suggested that the quality of valerian root found in apothecary shops could be tested by how cats reacted to it. Valerian preparations were listed as official drugs in the United States Pharmacopeia from 1820-1936 and in the National Formulary from 1942-1950, to promote a more tranquil sleep.* Over the past 30 years, over 200 scientific studies on the active chemical constituents of valerian have been published. Over 120 components have been identified from the root such as valepotriates and valerenic acids.

    Nature?s Answer? Valerian Root Extract is unique. If you compare the milligrams you are getting per dose, you will notice that EACH DROPPERFUL(1 ml) is made from 1000 mg of valerian root !

  • Nature’s Answer Skullcap Herb AF

    American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) may have gotten its name due to the shape of the two lobed flowers, which some claim looks like a helmet or bathing cap.. It is in the Lamiacea or mint plant family. The flowers range from pink to blue in color. There is some confusion in the herbal industry because a different species, Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), has also been used for centuries in Chinese Folklore. Here we are referring to American Skullcap.

    Skullcap is a shade-loving herbaceous perennial mint with ridged leaves that grows near wetlands in Canada and the Northeastern U.S. It reaches a height of from 1 to 4 feet tall. It was an important plant to the First Nation People in all the geographic locations where it is found in the wild. It is also easily grown from seeds in a shady spot in the garden. Skullcap earned the nickname ? Mad-Dog Weed? since it was reported to have been given to rabid dogs by early European settlers. In traditional western herbalism Skullcap has been called ?the Mellow Mint? and is referred to as a nervine, which supports relaxation.* The plant provides micronutients and phytochemicals which serve to nourish the body and promote overall health and well being. *

    Nature?s Answer concentrated Skullcap Herbal extract is Tried, True and Trusted since 1972!

    All plants have unique chemical characteristics, markers, and natural patterns that can be used to identify them (just like human fingerprints). Our in house laboratory has accumulated and preserved over 800 plant specimens, creating one of the most comprehensive collections of genetically verified plant specimens found anywhere in the world. Our state of the art laboratory equipment has identified each and every plant?s distinctive botanical fingerprint, which we then use as our baseline to analyze the quality and purity of every incoming botanical used to manufacture our products. This unique process is our Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology?, and we take great pride in knowing that it allows us to completely assure you that your products contain only the highest quality botanical ingredients.

    Using carefully controlled extraction techniques, we capture the holistic balance? of each herb and the value is passed on to you, our customer. From plant to shelf?, you can be assured that we know exactly what?s in the product in your hand, and we guarantee it is authentic, safe, effective, holistically balanced?, and of course?.Nature?s Answer?.

  • Nature’s Answer Sage Herb AF

    With one of the most comprehensive herbariums in the world, Nature?s Answer? has identified Mother Nature?s unique botanical fingerprint on over 800 plant reference standards. Utilizing Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology?, these authenticated samples each serve as the standard by which all incoming raw materials are judged. Using carefully-controlled extraction techniques, we capture the holistic balance of each.

    Since 1972
    Advanced Botanical Fingerprint
    Harpagophytum Procumbens
    Super Concentrated 1,000 mg
    Discover Nature’s Answer
    Gluten Free
    Herbal Supplement
    Kosher Parve
    Bio-Chelated Cold Extraction Process
    Our alcohol-free extracts are produced using our cold Bio-Chelated proprietary extraction process, yielding a Holistically Balanced Advanced Botanical Fingerprint extract in the same synergistic ratios as in the plant.

    Our Facility is cGMP Certified, Organic and Kosher Certified.

  • Nature’s Answer Red Raspberry Leaf AF

    With one of the most comprehensive herbariums in the world, Nature?s Answer? has identified Mother Nature?s unique botanical fingerprint on over 800 plant reference standards. Utilizing Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology?, these authenticated samples each serve as the standard by which all incoming raw materials are judged. Using carefully-controlled extraction techniques, we capture the holistic balance of each.

    Since 1972
    Advanced Botanical Fingerprint
    Harpagophytum Procumbens
    Super Concentrated 1,000 mg
    Discover Nature’s Answer
    Gluten Free
    Herbal Supplement
    Kosher Parve
    Bio-Chelated Cold Extraction Process
    Our alcohol-free extracts are produced using our cold Bio-Chelated proprietary extraction process, yielding a Holistically Balanced Advanced Botanical Fingerprint extract in the same synergistic ratios as in the plant.

    Our Facility is cGMP Certified, Organic and Kosher Certified.

  • Nature’s Answer Red Clover Tops AF

    Red Clover Tops (Trifolium pratense), is the flowering part of a plant in the Fabaceae botanical family. Red clover is easily recognized and grows in fields and uncultivated land in many areas of the county. The flower comes out in late spring and often lasts, or reflowers until early fall. The part of the plant that is used to prepare herbal teas and tinctures is the flower top. Red clover refers to the purple flowers that grow on top of this plant. In fact, some people prefer to call it Purple Clover rather than Red clover. In any case, the color differentiates it from the white flower tops that adorn the similar, but smaller species known as Trifolium repens. The clover belongs to the legume plant family, like peanuts and beans, so it is not surprising to find that animals often graze on it in the wild. Red clover has been a traditional health support* for centuries, in the many areas of the world that is grows. Red clover contains a variety of naturally occurring constituents, including isoflavones, flavonoids, pterocarpans, coumarins, tyramine, Daidzein, genistein, formononetin, biochanin A, coumestrol and naringenin. Several of these natural mildly phytoestrogenic compounds have been found to assist women maintain balance in terms of hormonal changes such as menopause support. * Red Clover Tops also contain a number of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, such as B Vitamins, Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and chromium. In addition to all of these wonderful attributes, Red Clover is the National Flower of Denmark and the state flower of Vermont!

    Nature?s Answer Alcohol Free Red Clover Tops offers a super concentrated pure extract, with no added sugars or alcohol.

  • Nature’s Answer Pau DArco Inner Bark AF

    Deep in the Amazon rain forest and in the tropical areas of South America grows Pau d?Arco, a large tree that is known to reach up to 150 ft tall and 10 ft in diameter. The Pau d?Arco tree is prized for its strength as lumber and also by the native South American Rainforest medicine men for its health benefits.

    Pau D?arco means ?bow tree? in Portuguese, the perfect name because the wood is used by the native people of South America to make bows for hunting. But the true benefits of this tropical tree lies in its inner bark. The inner bark is scraped out and made into an extract, or the inner lining can be used to brew the Pau D?arco into a tea.

    Nature?s Answer takes great care to bring you this wonderful herb in a super concentrated extract. Made from 2,000 mg of Pau d?Arco inner bark, each super concentrated serving helps maintain the intestinal flora that are important to your health and well-being and to support your immune system.* Nature?s Answer Pau d?Arco is alcohol free, gluten-free, and gets into the system faster because it?s a liquid.

    The Added Assurance of our Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology?.

    All plants have unique chemical characteristics, markers, and natural patterns that can be used to identify them (just like human fingerprints). Our in-house laboratory has accumulated and preserved over 800 plant specimens, creating one of the most comprehensive collections of genetically verified plant specimens found anywhere in the world.

    Our state-of-the art laboratory equipment has identified each and every plant?s distinctive botanical fingerprint, which we then use as our baseline to analyze the quality and purity of every incoming botanical used to manufacture our products.

    This unique process is our Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology?, and we take great pride in knowing that it allows us to completely assure you that your products contain only the highest quality botanical ingredients.

    Using carefully controlled extraction techniques, we capture the holistic balance? of each herb and the value is passed on to you. From plant to shelf?, you can be assured that we know exactly what?s in the product in your hand, and we guarantee it?s authentic, safe, effective, holistically balanced?, and of course?.Nature?s Answer?.

  • Nature’s Answer Passionflower Herb AF

    Passiflora incarnate. The passionflower is a climbing vine that can grow to 32 feet long. Common names for the passionflower are maypop, apricot vine, maracuja, water lemon. The plant has berries called passionfruit, some of which are edible. The passionflower?s history began when it was discovered in Peru by Spanish explorers during the sixteenth-century. In 1569, a Spanish doctor named Monardes documented its uses and took it back with him when he returned to the Old World. Passionflower tea became popular there for its calming effect. The benefits of the passion flower didn?t stop there, the Native people of the Americas also used the passionflower for its calming effect.

    This natural calming effect has a great deal to do with the active group of chemicals the passionflower contains called glycosides and flavonoids. Scientists have found that only when combined do these natural chemicals create the calming effect.

    Nature?s Answer makes this wonderful herb into a highly concentrated 2000 mg natural alcohol free Passionflower extract to help you stay calm and relaxed.*

    We take great care to create our Passionflower extract using our cold Bio-Chelated proprietary extraction process. This assures you of a Passionflower extract that?s highly concentrated, alcohol free and holistically balanced with the same synergistic ratios as in the plant.

  • Nature’s Answer Horsetail Herb AF

    Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) also known as puzzlegrass usually grows in moist habitats. It?s commonly referred to as Bottlebrush, because of the ?scratchy? nature of the stems as well as the shape of the plant. The use of horsetail for health issues goes back to Greek and Roman times.

    Nature?s Answer Alcohol Free Horsetail Herb Extract is an exceptional way to support healthy hair, skin and nails.* Since it?s an extract, it?s absorbed faster than pills, capsules and softgels. Made from 2,000 mg of horsetail grass, this highly concentrated extract gives you a full 560 mg of herb in each 1 ml serving.

    The Added Assurance of our Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology?

    All plants have unique chemical characteristics, markers, and natural patterns that can be used to identify them (just like human fingerprints). Our in-house laboratory has accumulated and preserved over 800 plant specimens, creating one of the most comprehensive collections of genetically verified plant specimens found anywhere in the world. Our state-of-the-art laboratory equipment has identified each and every plant?s distinctive botanical fingerprint, which we then use as our baseline to analyze the quality and purity of every incoming botanical used to manufacture our products. This unique process is our Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology?, and we take great pride in knowing that it allows us to completely assure you that your products contain only the highest quality botanical ingredients.

    Using carefully controlled extraction techniques, we capture the holistic balance? of each herb and the value is passed on to you, our customer. From plant to shelf?, you can be assured that we know exactly what?s in the product in your hand, and we guarantee it is authentic, safe, effective, holistically balanced?, and of course?.Nature?s Answer?.

  • Nature’s Answer Hawthorn Berry AF

    With one of the most comprehensive herbariums in the world, Nature?s Answer? has identified Mother Nature?s unique botanical fingerprint on over 800 plant reference standards. Utilizing Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology?, these authenticated samples each serve as the standard by which all incoming raw materials are judged. Using carefully-controlled extraction techniques, we capture the holistic balance of each.

    Since 1972
    Advanced Botanical Fingerprint
    Harpagophytum Procumbens
    Super Concentrated 1,000 mg
    Discover Nature’s Answer
    Gluten Free
    Herbal Supplement
    Kosher Parve
    Bio-Chelated Cold Extraction Process
    Our alcohol-free extracts are produced using our cold Bio-Chelated proprietary extraction process, yielding a Holistically Balanced Advanced Botanical Fingerprint extract in the same synergistic ratios as in the plant.

    Our Facility is cGMP Certified, Organic and Kosher Certified.

  • Weleda Refining Toner 150ml


    Weleda Refining Toner Formulated for normal and combination skin, this gentle toner preserves the skin’s natural moisture as it refreshes and removes the last traces of impurities after cleansing, toning skin to refine your complexion and boost luminosity. It’s made with pore-refining witch hazel, organic rose leaf and sage leaf extracts and refreshing organic lemon juice. The toner’s refreshing scent is a combination of citrus essential oils including zesty lime, refreshing lemon and fruity orange, plus aromatic sage extract. The product is beautifully scented with natural essential oils. Packaged in infinitely recyclable green glass with a recyclable plastic screw cap.

    Weleda Refining Toner 150ml

  • Weleda Deep Cleansing Gel 150ml


    Weleda Deep Cleansing Gel Rinse away daily dirt, grime, pollutants and make-up, to leave skin refreshed, supple and soft with no feeling of tightness. Formulated for normal, combination and oily skin, this deep cleansing but light textured gel thoroughly cleanses without drying out the skin. The gel effectively removes impurities or excess oil and make-up, whilst preserving the skin’s natural moisture balance. Organic aloe vera refreshes and hydrates, while organic witch hazel soothes and invigorates. Simply massage in, rinse off, and pat dry. The product is beautifully scented with natural essential oils including zesty lime, refreshing lemon and fruity orange.

  • Weleda After Shave Balm 100ml


    Shaving puts your skin under pressure, so reward yourself with a splash of gentle balm after every shave. Pure plant extracts of chamomile and myrrh soothe and calm the skin after wet or dry shaving, while cooling and hydrating aloe vera combines with balancing jojoba oil to protect the face from dryness, keeping the skin smooth and supple. It?s a mix that?s as gentle as it is effective ? ideal even for sensitive skin.

  • Weleda Purifying Gel Cleanser 100ml


    This refreshing cleansing gel uses natural ingredients including antibacterial extract of willow bark and soothing liquorice root extract ? an ideal combination for skin prone to spots and oily outbreaks. Reduces shininess and excess sebum, helping to prevent skin impurities. The shower-fresh natural fragrance is provided by a mix of pure essential oils of soothing chamomile, lavender and peppermint, which are all naturally antibacterial too. Apply morning and evening to damp hands, gently massage the face and rinse clean.

    Rinse away daily grime or makeup, to cleanse deep into the pores and reduce the appearance of spots and blackheads, for a radiantly beautiful complexion.

  • Weleda Aknedoron Cleansing Lotion 100ml


    Made with therapeutic plant extracts of organic chamomile and calendula plus toning organic lemon and grapefruit juices. Instead of harsh drying ingredients, this lotion contains organic olive oil soft soap emulsion to deep-cleanse problem skin gently but effectively, without compromising the skin?s natural protective layer. A wonderfully fresh yet delicate fragrance is created by essential oils of orange, rosemary and lavender, making it a treat for the senses too. Apply with a cotton wool pad.

  • Weleda Aknedoron Purifying Lotion 50ml


    An intensive spot treatment to use alongside Aknedoron Cleansing Lotion. A potent mix of natural plant extracts includes essential oils of sage, thyme and lavender to rebalance the skin, mildly astringent witch-hazel and mineral sulphur to calm irritation and stimulate healing blood flow. Fragranced with a mix of therapeutic essential oils including sage for its natural antiseptic properties, chamomile for skin soothing, thyme for its antibacterial action, and lavender to calm irritation. Used overnight, this lotion reduces inflammation and promotes skin healing, while during the day, it works as a mattifying lotion to reduce shine and minimize pores.

  • Weleda Gentle Cleansing Milk 100ml


    Start your skin-care routine with perfect cleansing from Weleda?s Gentle Cleansing Milk. With nourishing jojoba oil to soothe and gently cleanse, this cleanser is ideal for normal and dry skin. Balancing iris root and witch hazel help skin to regulate oil levels, providing additional cleansing power without disrupting your skin?s natural protective barriers. Follow up with Weleda Refining Toner, and the Weleda moisturiser best suited to your skin ? Iris, Prickly Pear, Wild Rose, Pomegranate or Evening Primrose.

  • Weleda Refining Toner 100ml


    A cool tonic splash to your face, Weleda Refining Toner combines pore-refining, clarifying and toning extracts. Mildly astringent plant ingredients including lemon juice, wild rose leaf extract and witch hazel distillate provide a gentle but effective pore-refining effect, leaving skin refreshed, smooth and toned. The subtle fresh fragrance of natural essential oils revives the skin and senses. Use after cleansing and before moisturising with the face care cream best suited to your skin ? Weleda Iris, Wild Rose, Pomegranate or Evening Primrose. A perfectly fresh combination to leave skin refreshed, clear, revived and toned.

    Weleda Refining Toner 100ml

  • Weleda Almond Soothing Cleansing Lotion 75ml


    Start your regimen for caring for sensitive skin with a mild cleanser that is incredibly skin-compatible and softly nourishing. Organic almond and mild plum kernel oils have nourishing properties and are closely connected to the skin’s own sebum. This light, creamy cleanser’s mild action is friendly to skin, restores lipid balance, and keeps skin moisturised.

    +90% Skin-friendly, +82% Effective at cleansing, *Self-evaluation after 28 days

  • Weleda Hayfever Relief Oral Spray 20ml


    Ease the misery of springtime sniffles, sneezes, itchy, red and watery eyes and blocked nose with this handy oral spray; it?s easily pocketed when out and about.
    The spray includes organic extracts of Allium cepa (onion) and Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright) from Weleda?s herb gardens, together with Gelsemium sempervirens (Yellow Jasmine) which is sustainably collected from the wild.
    Suitable for vegans.

  • Weleda Stress Relief Oral Spray 20ml


    Weleda Stress Relief Oromucosal Spray is a homeopathic medicinal product used within the homeopathic tradition for the temporary relief of mild stress, irritability and tension.

  • Weleda Muscular Pain Relief Oral Spray (UK) 20ml


    Weleda Muscular Pain Relief Spray is a homeopathic medicinal oromucosal spray to ease aching muscles. This is a handy product to pack in your gym bag or first aid kit, if you?ve overdone things when exercising and are feeling the after-effects of strenuous activity. The spray contains a combination of traditional homeopathic remedies arnica, ruta grav. and rhus tox., in 6X potencies. It is not a topical spray, but designed to work from the inside.

  • Ortis Fruits and Fibres Cubes 24 Cubes Box


    Standardised Tibetan rhubarb extract regulates intestinal transit, with a lasting effect, owing to optimally balanced hydration and stimulation
    Tamarind promotes transit owing to its bulking effect
    Fig contributes to good intestinal health owing to its bulking effect which triggers the intestinal reflex
    + dates
    Rich in fibres
    Without adverse effect
    Not addictive

  • Alba Botanica Acnedote Oil Control Lotion

    Alba Acne Oil Control Lotion is the ultimate, acne fighting, mattifying lotion with max strength 2% salicylic acid. This powerful, botanically effective, oil-free formula keeps shine at bay while it weightlessly hydrates skin. Formulated with Salicylic Acid (naturally derived from Willow Bark Extract), zits are down for the count and you’ll see a visibly clearer complexion. Never tight, never oily, skin is smooth, fresh and prepped for your day (or night).

  • Nature’s Answer Periobrite Mouthwash Cinnamint

    Formulated by a Dentist, Nature?s Answer PerioBrite ? Natural Mouthwash does more than keep breath fresh and clean, it promotes periodontal health, which is important for a healthy mouth.* In fact, daily cleansing and rinsing with PerioBrite? helps promote healthy teeth and gums without the concerns about fluoride, because it?s fluoride free.*

    Only PerioBrite? Natural Mouthwash contains a unique combination of soothing organic wildcrafted herbs, well-known for their cleansing action, together with Co-Q10, Folic Acid, Oregano, Cinnamon and Clove to support tissue and gum health.* It naturally moistens gum tissue for long-lasting results when used as part of an oral health program.* And since PerioBrite? Natural Mouthwash is all natural and alcohol free it fights bad breath and relieves dry mouth naturally, energizing your mouth with a cool, sparkling cinnaminty-fresh feeling.*

  • Nature’s Answer Perio Wash AF Mouthwash

    PerioBrite? Natural Mouthwash Alcohol Free Cool Mint

    Formulated by a Dentist, Nature?s Answer PerioBrite ? Natural Mouthwash does more than keep breath fresh and clean, it promotes periodontal health, which is important for a healthy mouth.* In fact, daily cleansing and rinsing with PerioBrite? helps promote healthy teeth and gums without the concerns about fluoride, because it?s fluoride free.*

    Only PerioBrite? Natural Mouthwash contains a unique combination of soothing organic wildcrafted herbs, well-known for their cleansing action, together with Co-Q10, Folic Acid, Oregano, Cinnamon and Clove to support tissue and gum health.* It naturally moistens gum tissue for long-lasting results when used as part of an oral health program.* And since PerioBrite? Natural Mouthwash is all natural and alcohol free it fights bad breath and relieves dry mouth naturally, energizing your mouth with a cool, sparkling minty-fresh feeling.*

    Nature?s Answer Unique Bio-Chelation process.

    Only Nature?s Answer uses a unique Bio-Chelation process, developed by the company?s founder and owner. It includes ?cold extraction.? Cold extraction, allows the raw plant materials to be extracted without being exposed to heat, capturing and preserving the holistic balance of the herbs in Nature?s Answer PerioBrite ? Natural Mouthwash.

    The Added Assurance of Nature?s Answer ?Advanced Botanical Fingerprint? Technology?

    Nature?s Answer Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology? assures you of the quality of the botanical ingredients in every Nature?s Answer product. By creating one of the most comprehensive collections of plant specimens in the world and identifying each plant?s distinctive botanical fingerprint, Nature?s Answer can compare and analyze the quality and purity of every incoming botanical used to formulate their products, assuring you that the wildcrafted herbs, Oregano, Cinnamon and Clove in Nature?s Answer PerioBrite ? Natural Mouthwash are the purest, highest-quality botanical ingredients.

  • Weleda Sage Deodorant 100ml


    A fresh herbal fragrance from essential oils of sage, rosemary, pine, lavender and thyme, which brings invigorating freshness to the body, neutralises odour, and allows skin to breathe and rebalance. In a recyclable glass bottle, using a non-aerosol pump spray ? and without pore-clogging aluminium ? it delivers freshness, naturally.

  • Weleda Citrus Deodorant 100ml


    Natural citrus deodorant
    Counteracts unpleasant body odours
    Handy pump-action spray
    Weleda Citrus Deodorant is a handy pump-action spray to counteract unpleasant body odours without inhibiting the important functions of the skin. Free from aluminium salts, this fine spray dries within seconds leaving no stickiness.

  • Weleda Rhinodoron Nasal Spray 20ml


    Natural nasal spray that comes as a neat little medical device to moisturise and clean the nasal passages, particularly when they are dry.
    Rhinodoron cares for the nose when the air is dry, during the winter and when the pollen count is high.
    Made with soothing organic aloe vera to moisturise and care, in a natural saline solution that perfectly matches the body’s balance of sodium and potassium salts, so the spray is well tolerated by the mucous membranes. So being 100% natural means Rhinodoron can be used safely over protracted periods for daily nasal hygiene.
    Rhinodoron moisturises and cleans nasal passages, particularly when the nasal mucosa is dry or when there is a build-up of dry crusts inside the nose. Rhinodoron can be used for the hygienic care of the nasal passages of babies who cannot blow their own noses.

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