Rio Amazon Quebra Pedra 40 Tea Bags


1 in stock

RIO AMAZON Quebra Pedra is a small annual plant that is found in the Amazon rainforest and other tropical areas of the world. it is in fact a useful herb. Quebra Pedra has been used for centuries by the indigenous peoples. Rio Amazon teas are made from high quality botanicals in unbleached teabags. Known in other parts of the world as Shatterstone, Chanca Piedra and Bhumyamalaki. Contains the pure shredded whole plant of Quebra Pedra (Phyllanthus Niruri).

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Pure Shredded Quebra Pedra (Phyllanthus Niruri).


Infuse one teabag in a cup of boiling water and allow to stand for 5-10 minutes. Leave teabag in cup whilst drinking for extra flavour. Add sugar or honey as desired. Drink three cups a day.

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Rio Amazon Quebra Pedra 40 Tea Bags